Public Leadership for Social Transformation

Empowering Leaders, Igniting Change: Guiding Public Leadership for Social Transformation

Public Leadership for Social Transformation

Through the training, CoELIB seeks to empower future leaders with knowledge about how leadership can advance social innovation, social change, and democracy.

It explores the role of leadership in efforts to change thinking, systems, and policies. It also reveals leadership as the collective achievement of group members who share a vision and must navigate relationships, structures, processes and institutional dynamics within the more extensive system in which they are embedded.

Modules Offered Include:

Module One: Contexts for Social Transformation – It covers an introduction to leadership for social transformation, social transformation conceptual frameworks and contested terrain

Module Two: Leadership Tools for Social Transformation – It covers frameworks for social transformation and applicable leadership tools

Module Three: Communal Elements for Social Transformation – It covers organisational shapes & structures, networks, collective impact, cross-sector partnerships power, people and culture 

About CoELIB

CoELIB builds on existing capacity and fosters innovation and agri-business development.



CoELIB, Egerton University,
8 Maringo Road,
20115 Egerton Kenya.

(254) 711 082 444/3
